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Budget-friendly , uninterrupted, and secure platform for a swift content delivery

Here are some key highlights of our Online Radio Server:

Centova Cast Integration: Our server integrates seamlessly with Centova Cast, a leading web-based radio automation control panel. Centova Cast allows you to manage and automate your radio station with ease, providing a user-friendly interface to schedule playlists, create DJ accounts, and monitor listener statistics.

Shoutcast Support: Our server fully supports Shoutcast, one of the most popular streaming media protocols in the industry. With Shoutcast, you can deliver your audio content to various media players and devices, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of platforms.

Reliable Performance: We understand the importance of a stable and uninterrupted streaming experience. Our servers are built with cutting-edge technology to deliver reliable performance, ensuring that your listeners can enjoy your broadcasts without any buffering or downtime.

Global Reach: Expand your radio station's reach and connect with a global audience. Our servers are strategically located in multiple data centers around the world, enabling fast and efficient content delivery to listeners across different regions.

Advanced Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your listenership with our comprehensive analytics tools. Track listener trends, monitor peak listening hours, and analyze geographical data to better understand your audience and tailor your programming accordingly.

Customizable Player: Enhance your listener's experience with a customizable player embedded on your website. Personalize the player's appearance, add your station's branding, and display track information in real-time, creating a visually appealing and engaging interface for your audience.

Scalability: As your radio station grows, our server can scale with you. Whether you have a handful of listeners or thousands, our infrastructure can handle the demands of your expanding audience, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted streaming experience.

Technical Support: We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer support. Our team of experts is available to assist you with any technical issues or questions you may have. We're dedicated to ensuring your radio station operates seamlessly and that you have a positive experience with our services.

Want swift and uninterrupted content delivery?

Exceptional quality and high speed delivery of your content across board


Frequently Asked Questions

A cached version of the content is stored in the CDN in multiple geographical locations through Point of presence (POP). There are a number of caching servers on each POP that store, secures, and deliver the content within its proximity. These servers help POPs in enhancing the speed and connectivity to keep the quality as high as always despite an influx of requests coming in at the same time. It can be done efficiently because the content is transmitted through local servers
CNAME means Canonical Name used to alias one name to another. A CNAME record always points to another domain name, instead of directly to an IP address.
MSLive offers high-performance content delivery with monthly, and pay-as-you-go pricing along with a customized model as per your specific business needs.
Yes, we offer a video CDN solution by optimizing your HLS streams.
Yes, our network can be combined with existing CDN infrastructures, like Akamai, Gcore, or a private CDN.
MSLive uses cache-control headers that you set on your files in order to identify static as well as dynamic content. MSLive content distribution helps ensure that the performance optimizations are aligned with the entire website or web application.
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